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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

UDC: A journey just beginning

In realist theoretical posturing, one may conclude that what matters most is the ultimate goal. Moralistic arguments and many other value judgements matter little as one has his mind set on the goal he must achieve and the ultimate good that the achievement of such a goal ushers in.  In this case, the goal of a united opposition, one that was inherited from their late mentor is Mecca. It is the ultimate piece to the puzzle that will lead to winning over power; they think. And taking over power need not be in 2014, as we all must know by now that it will not be. While many wonder how Boko continues to exhume all the confidence in the world and be happy despite what in reality is a weak Umbrella, I have discovered it is so because he from day one did not believe he would be President in 2014. Make no mistake, he wanted to be, wants to be still even but he is not a foolish man to let an optimism bias lead him astray. It is also born out of the acceptance of the fact that an Umbrella without BCP is a weak Umbrella. Nevertheless, an Umbrella unites some of the parties - and likely will lead to a merge of those. The same way the BCP went about swallowing up both BAM and the National Democratic Front (NDF).

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